LGBTQIA+ Youth Post Election Support

To Colorado’s LGBTQIA+ Youth,
Today is hard. You may be feeling anger, grief, rage, hopelessness and a range of other emotions. Anti-LGBTQIA+ extremists are using you as a pawn in their political game and that is the last thing you deserve. But your community has your back, we will continue to show up for you and each other to continue working for the future you deserve, a future where everyone has the freedom and acceptance they deserve. So how do we get there?
Feel Your Feels
Whatever emotions you are feeling today know that they are valid. Emotions show up to remind us of our values and motivate us into action, but we have to feel them. Friends, family, and chosen family can all be a space to do this, you can also check out our crisis resource or the Trevor Project’s Coping Guide for immediate support resources.
Find Your Community
We all need each other to continue moving towards the future we are dreaming of. There are many opportunities to plug in with your community. Does your school have a GSA? If not this could be a great time to start one! Stay Informed
Be sure that you know your rights as an LGBTQIA+ Student in Colorado, learn how care is protected in Colorado, and the rightsthat are universally for all students across the country.
Stay Engaged
Join the GSA Leadership Council to connect with peers and build your advocacy skills. Follow us and other local LGBTQIA+ organizations to stay up to date on continued opportunities to engage in our work.
To those who love and support our LGBTQIA+ Youth,
Our youth need leaders, elders and allies more than ever right now. We need to hold the larger perspective for them and show them the importance of the power we can build within our communities. Give the youth in your life space to process what is happening and take this opportunity to share our history; the dreams, failures and successes we have had throughout LGBTQIA+ history. We know from experience that we are resilient and we will keep working towards a better future, and here are some steps you can take to be a part of that collective action.
Feel Your Feels, Too
The saying might be cheesy but it’s true, we can’t take others if we’re not taking care of ourselves. Check out our Election Season Wellness guide for some great self care ideas and resources.
Find Your Community
We cannot do this alone, it’s crucial that we are working together, thankfully Colorado has many opportunities for you to plug in. For example if you’re a parent of a LGBTQIA+ youth you can find your local PFLAG chapter. If you’re an educator you can join Great Education Colorado’s advocates network meetings.
Stay Informed
The first place to start with advocacy is knowing what rights you already have and don’t have. This is true when advocating for ourselves and others. Make sure you’re up to date on LGBTQIA+ rights and student rights in Colorado. If you work in education, reviewing your local school policies is another great place to start. If you feel your school policies are falling short, advocate for updated inclusive policies to ensure all students feel safe and supported.
Stay Engaged
We had some fantastic wins in Colorado this election season, let’s keep that momentum going into the 2025 Legislative session. Work with your representatives, learn more about public school advocacy, follow One Colorado to stay up to date on policies we are working towards, and come join us at Lobby Day to learn more about the legislative process and how to engage! If you’re interested in being a Lobby Leader, sign up here.