NATIONAL DAY OF SILENCE—Friday, April 23 at school
NATIONAL DAY OF SILENCE—Friday, April 23 at school
The One Colorado GSA Leadership Council, a board of LGBTQ youth leaders from across the state, ask students, teachers, and administration to show their support for LGBTQ students by commemorating the National Day of Silence! Traditionally, Day of Silence participants refrain from speaking during school hours to represent the silencing of queer and trans students in education. Since so many of us are still wearing masks in socially-distanced schools and learning on mute in virtual classrooms, the GSA Leadership Council is suggesting a new way for you to speak out against LGBTQ harassment: please wear a red mask and/or red clothes to show your support for LGBTQ students this year! That way, whether you are silent or not, you too can send a clear signal that LGBTQ students are important, supported members of all school communities in Colorado!